Thursday, October 2, 2008

Allah Was Bombed?!

Wait, let me get a few things straight!

1. I'm straight
2. I have nothing against Islam or any religion
3. I am not racist
4. I was young back then

Ok with all the Hari Raya spirit in the air, I've been quite excited about the Raya Holidays and study break until I finally realize its utterly boring with no one around campus and having my beloved mamak shop who's manager wants to take me to Bangalore with him, is closed which gave me a very odd feeling when I see that its not in operation as its open almost 365 days a year without rest which makes me sort of pity the workers there as I never did see them having a day off but it would be alright since according to them they don't have anywhere else to go except to sleep and work........


Anyways, I was eating at the Mamak one day recently and it was "buka puasa" (break fast - not breakfast... ) time. Where the prayers started to "berkumandang" on the tele.
As usual it starts with "Allahuakhbar" and it goes on.

It actually reminded me of myself when I was a little younger when I use to sit and stare at the prayer being aired on TV3 until my mom comes and say "You got nothing else better to watch ah?"

Having to live 16 years at Ipoh where my house is situated near .. well... not so near... to the army barracks i'm used to listening to the Muslim prayers which will be my alarm clock in the morning too.

And on that day, I laughed at myself for having a misperception way back then.

Check this out.....

When I was younger.....

I use to think that they were actually saying.....

"ALLAHHHH WAS BOMBED!" instead of Allahuakhbar.....


I've been thinking that it was .. erm.. that.... all my life until I actually saw the spelling one day.

And thinking back about the September 11 attack and those few-screw-loose terrorist attack news on the paper trying to blow up the whole world.

It got me thinking......

Says my Malay friends, those are the lost ones who thinks their heroes when in the FIRST place they misintepreted the Quran.

So I thought to myself.....

Prayers came from the Quran.....
Terrorists misintepreted the Quran.....
I'm hearing "Allah Was Bombed" almost everyday.....


THOSE PRICKS................................

Ok.... NOW that i realize that I was the bigger prick misunderstanding what the prayers mean.... I finally realize what it actually meant.
But never have I tried to disrespect any religion since I believe all religion that we hold strongly onto, only teaches us how to do good and stay away from trouble. (at least the legit ones).

But that doesn't mean the terrorists aren't pricks!

Anyway, in the spirit of the marking
the end of Puasa Month, I
would like to wish all my Muslim friends,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan Maaf Zahir Batin!

"Khye Theng" Ok your name is on my blog already!
And i'm kind enuf to put ur blog link here... and ur picture!
Hasil Kerja Calvin Chung

1 comment:

  1. Edison here!!! lol i got sofa?? it is nice... but then this is my 1st time comming in your blog and see something like "ALLAHHH WAS BOMBED!!!" and i also use to stay in front of the tv when they start singing on it(yea i used to, but i was intentially wanted to wait for the next program to start). and so? how was your life? boring? exiting? funny? or TROUBLESOME? din heared from you so long ady.. lol
